integrative nutrition health coaching

What would it feel like to truly THRIVE?

Transform with Tess

  • One-on-One Coaching

    You are beautiful, complicated, unique and imperfect. Let’s work together to unlock your magic.

  • Group Coaching

    Here you’ll find an inclusive, safe, kind community to grow with. Life is hard, you don’t have to go it alone.

  • Live Events

    Stay in touch to get the first word on live speaking events, webinars, workshops and collaborations.

IntEgrative nutrition

nutrition is more than just the food you eat

health is multidimensional

Whole body wellness is about balance and fulfillment in the primary areas of your life. By diving deep into these areas, we can discover what is lacking nourishment, and only then get into the issues driving that imbalance. In your one precious life, there is no room for miracle pills and bandaid-fixes if you truly desire lasting change.

you are bio-individual

There is a reason there is no “one size fits all” approach to wellness that actually works for everyone. That is the beauty of your incredible human body and your experience on this planet- it is deeply personal and completely unique to you alone.

The key, or challenge, is to figure out what it is that YOU need… then actually do it.

food relationships

The word food, alone, can be triggering.

let’s change that

We can be real here— our relationship with food can be A LOT of things. Whether we are aware of it or not, the feelings and behaviors that stem from that relationship impact us all the time, throughout every single day.

Is your relationship with food one that serves you?

Within my personalized coaching program, we’ll explore this together and come out the other side, I promise. I will meet you where you are and compassionately guide you to where you desire to be.

as you are, as you will be